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5 Ways to create a calming home for you and your dog

5 Ways to create a calming home for you and your dog

Interiors matter and they can have a huge impact on how we think and feel. When carving out a calming space in your home for you and your dog there are certain sensory triggers that you should pay attention to.

  1. Let natural light access your home. Natural light creates the most beautiful settings for a room with its ever-changing variations. On top of that natural light helps our bodies produce vitamin D, improves our circadian rhythms, and makes us and our dog feel at ease.
  2. Apply organic and soft materials where possible. A natural choice here would be organic cotton. Organic cotton has retained its softness, breathability, and durability since it is free from harsh chemicals. Its softness can make both you and your dog feel relaxed.
  3. Choose soft colours. Soft colours tend to create a sense of comfort and safety which can help you and your dog to feel relaxed. In addition, soft colours often reflect the rays into your home in a very beautiful and balanced way. Applying a pale blue, pale pinks, greens or a neutral colour to your walls could be ideal in this respect.
  4. Keep anything stressful out of sight and keep your home tidy to the extent possible. This includes hiding away clutter, laundry and potentially also work items. Make sure you have an easy way to tidy up your dog’s toys and your clutter. Find some storage baskets that match your home interior and are easy to maintain. You may consider placing the storage baskets in various places in your home, so that you easily can keep your countertops and floors clutter-free. A clutter-free home can give you the feeling of calming, spaciousness, and comfortability.
  5. Add a few beautiful objects to emphasize serenity. Beautiful object which could help emphasize serenity could be an organic shaped vase, few flowers an artwork on the wall or other objects that make you feel relaxed and are matching your home interior.

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