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5 Ways to get your dog well through the Easter festivities

5 Ways to get your dog well through the Easter festivities

The Easter holidays are approaching, and you may be hosting or attending plenty of parties. Likely this will be a very pleasant time for you to get to spend time with your dear ones, but have you considered it could be a bit overwhelming or over-exciting for your dog?

Here are five tips to get your dog well through the Easter festivities

1. If you will be having friends and family over to your house, consider that your dog might prefer to sit the party out and instead enjoy a relaxing nap somewhere else in the house. Place one or two of your dog’s favorite beds in your house away from the festivities, so your dog can enjoy a relaxing nap while the party is going on.

2. When you visit friends and family talk to them in advance to arrange for a nice calm place where your dog can rest during the festivities. Bring along your dog’s own bed and duvet dog blanket from home as this will likely make your dog feel at ease more easily.

3. The smell of delicious festive food will for sure get the attention of your dog as it is too tempting to ignore. Some of the festive food would even be good nutrition for your dog, you may think. However, you should not serve shrimps, salmon, eggs or other of the festive food, which is not prepared for your dog, since it could contain spices which would put your dog’s kidneys to extra work. Instead make a food bowl for your dog only with some cooked chicken, shrimps and non-smoked salmon and a bit of overcooked rice. Cooked in pure water, no salt or other spices added.

4. If you are visiting friends and family with your dog and cannot prepare a meal for your dog, consider bringing some nice food for your dog with you, so your dog feels indulged too.

5. And wherever you are, always remember to take your dog for a good long walk. If you cannot do it yourself, ask around in the party if anyone would like to go for a dog walk, or arrange for a dog walker, as even an Easter party should not interfere with your dog’s most precious activity, dog walking.

We wish you and your dog a happy and joyful Easter.

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